2024 CASC ACÉC Conference at Congress

The association meets annually to share research progress, meet with other researchers, and establish the association’s upcoming priorities. Many CASC members also organize and/or participate in other research events nationally and internationally.
SAVE THE DATE: CASC Congress 2024 will be taking place at McGill University from June 11-14, 2024.
Statement on Change of Venue:
This is a time of solidarity. It is also a time where CASC/ACÉC has had to make difficult choices. Our Board has concluded that CASC/ACÉC must stand in solidarity with as many of those who will be affected by our conference activities as possible: professors of law, students in the McGill encampment and those participating in protests. We believe we are not able to do so at the McGill campus.
We have decided to hold our CASC conference in person at École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal (HEC) Édifice Hélène-Desmarais with our two keynotes accessible both in person and through a virtual platform (more information to come).
Please see our updated (to be finalized) program here.
This location is about a 10-minute walk from the McGill campus. Our attached program remains the same and registration will still be through Congress but our members will not have to access the McGill campus in order to participate in the CASC conference.
CASC is a small volunteer association. Our limited budget allows us to subsidize participation in the conference for those who have limited income. Complete withdrawal from Congress would come at a substantial financial cost at this time and inhibit our ability to support our EDID goals.
If you would like to join us and have not yet registered, please do so from this link: https://www.
This is our 40th Anniversary and to honour the work of past members, we will celebrate in person at HEC. We will host a local co-ops tour and a practitioner day on June 11 and from June 12-14 paper, panel and keynote sessions.
The CASC Board continues to meet to discuss how “solidarity” translates into action at our conference.
Additional Event Details:
Congress 2024 Theme: Sustaining Shared Futures
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Nathan Schneider (EN FR) and Barbara Duroselles (EN FR)